YouTube Content Projects Update

Hey everyone, just a quick update about some YouTube content and series that I have to abandon or restart. So last month I had to format my computer’s hard drives after a power supply failure corrupted windows, I’m guessing it was in the middle of trying to half install updates or something at the time, and I lost all of my save files that aren’t connected to steam or were stored in my cloud accounts. Some games that were modded will also have to either be put on hiatus, or started over potentially, while I work on getting the mods and configurations for the game setup again. The content already on my channel for these projects will remain on my channel and public, however I will be removing the playlists and un-featuring them from my channels main page. Below is a list of projects that were affects, and what is being done to them.

  • Pokemon: Generation 3 – Living Dex – All Progress Lost, will be removed from the channel’s main page.
  • Golden Sun: The Lost Age – Randomizer (2023) – All Progress Lost, will be removed from the channel’s main page.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time & Majora’s Mask – Combo Randomizer (March 2023) – All Progress Lost, will be removed from the channel’s main page.
  • The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion – Needs to be modded again, will attempt to configure it the same way it was when I started the series.

If there are any other projects I missed on the above list, and I don’t mention them than that have been lost and I’ve just forgotten about them. I am also trying to work on getting a proper schedule going so my streams aren’t so random anymore, but I’ve been busy with life matters and haven’t been feeling well on top of that. Any posts related to streaming will be up in the next little while.

Thanks for reading,

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